
Dear visitors,

Welcome to our site for a fast and effective Orthodontic treatment. My name is Harris Krikonis and I am specialist in Orthodontics with emphasis in Facial Physioplasty. I believe I could help you achieve the maximum benefits of Orthodontic treatment a younger look, substantial and permanent improvement of your smile. I follow the latest advancements in the art and a science of Orthodontics and I am applying individual treatment modalities according to your expectations. Instead of treating your face and mouth strictly to the average academic standards I modify the latest techniques for a personalized treatment.

I would like to take this opportunity and thank all of my colleagues and patients in both countries Greece and the United States who for the last twenty-five years trusted and supported me.

Dr. Harris Krikonis

Invisible orthodontics

Invisible orthodontics means that only the improvements of your face and your smile will be noticeable not your appliances. Your treatment is going to be comfortable, fast and effective. We also stress the importance of aesthetic, functional and long lasting results. Please review examples of treated cases in our office and get an idea of my approach and treatment philosophy in Orthodontics.

Facial Physioplasty

Facial Physioplasty is achieving the maximum aesthetic benefits of the face as a result of orthodontic tooth movement. Noninvasively, without anesthesia, surgery or injection of chemicals. Only natural progressive tooth movement is being involved. Every little detail counts in improving the appearance of the middle and lower face. That includes the zygomas, the upper and lower lips, the chin, the nose and the tone of the skin. Breathing, chewing and swallowing can be remarkably improved. Speech articulation, head pasture and sense of teeth biting (occlusion) are being maximized. A natural and expressive smile is being created reflecting happiness and confidence. Oral hygiene is becoming easier and more effective. Facial Physioplasty is a gift to you and your loved ones that modern orthodontics can offer to you.

a true work of art never dies



TEL. 210 64 11 273